A graduate of the University of Arizona, Kyler writes fiction that is set in a lot of places - the coming-of-age stories boys in love would recognize on any map you can google or unfold.

The Coming-of-Age Stories

I. They say that a story grows right up out of the land just like the crops do.

II. You never know who you will meet on a bus trip, but they are going to change your life.

III. There are ways that trust can work out good in spite of all the warnings against it.


Middle Grade 5th thru 8th grade

Young Adult 9th thru 12th grade

New Adult Past high school, up to 22 years old

The Release at Amazon

#1 New Release in Teen & Young Adult Water Sports Fiction: ALAN’S DATE, October 2023

#1 New Release in Teen & Young Adult Christian Relationship Fiction: HIGH SCHOOL PREACHERS, November 2022

#1 New Release in Children’s Runaway Books: MAKES FRIENDS EASY, October 2022

#1 New Release in Teen & Young Adult Basketball Fiction: REX’S NEWS, February 2022

#1 New Release in Teen & Young Adult Baseball & Softball Fiction eBooks: THE RIGHT SUMMER, January 2022

#1 New Release in Children's Halloween Books, HAYRIDE TONITE, April 2018


Middle Grade story

Bread and Butter Man

This boy... in a place where shy boys don't do so well.

Passage at Amazon Bread and Butter Man

a NEW ADULT title

A desert setting out West

Hard Footwork

This other guy gets out of line, too. He's not with our group. He's with this other group that has military haircuts, so I'm guessing they came from the Air Force base. We end up on the same side of the room because the dance must have tossed us that way.

"You're no good," he says.

I laugh. "Neither are you."


TO Kyler Doss

#1 New Release in Children’s Runaway Books

October 2022 at Amazon

Middle Grade story set in Holland, New Orleans, and Vermont

Makes Friends Easy

COOS LIKES to stand on the steps of the train when it pulls out of station. At the age of 10, he isn't supposed to do that. But what his parents don't know won't hurt them.

An older boy is standing on the platform. Coos likes his hat, which is Dutch but it's also not Dutch. Therefore, the boy is interesting.

The boy turns and looks directly at Coos. It's as if the boy knows that Coos is thinking about him. Coos tries to look away but can't. The hat is blue, like Dutch skaters wear.

The boy continues to stare. He pats the left lapel pocket of his coat, then the right. In rapid order, he checks the pockets of his pants. He even takes off his hat and swirls it.

"My passport," he says to Coos. "I think I left it on the train!"

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New Adult story

Father’s Philosophy Class

A GUY comes through the door of philosophy class. Class is about to start and he takes the chair next to me.

"Am I late?" he says.


Passage at Amazon Father’s Philosophy Class

This other story about a boy named Patrick

New Adult story

If by Chance We Meet

This is the story of finding a boyfriend in your mind but wishing that you could find one for real. Patrick, 19, goes to classes and has a job - the problem is that he is so lonely it has pounded his feelings out to numb. One of his winter days locates him in a sandwich shop near the canal, where he notices a boy that is going to change everything for him - Patrick is 100% sure of it.

Passage at Amazon If by Chance We Meet


Young Adult story

Alan, 15, in Alan’s Date

ME AND Seth are going to want so much from each other that we might not be able to handle it. He starts out as this random guy who comes to rescue me in the Pacific Ocean. I don't really find out his name until later.

Middle Grade story

Kalhoun, 12, in Kalhoun

DEAR BOY in the Front Row,

You don't know me. I'm a boy in your art class.

I can't believe we started school today. Also, I can't believe what happened in class.

I saw you there and I liked you.

That wasn't supposed to happen to me in 7th grade. Not only is this supposed to be the year of boy-girl parties, but they've also got these school dances planned.

Liking you is not part of it.

New Adult story

John, 18, in Greetings From Idaho

John is happy. I like how happy he is. I like everything about him...

He gets on the bus in Jamestown, not too far from Bismarck. I've already gone through Fargo with no one to talk to. I'm probably not going to be the one to start too many conversations.


Young Adult story

The Bus Stop Hustle of Evil Clowns

There is talk in the parking lot about something going on. I don't know what it is.

Kids pile into half a dozen cars and I am kind of left standing there.

Bradley goes, "Come on."

I don't even know Bradley except I know who he is. He's pretty cool.

I climb in the passenger side. "What's going on?"

"It's out there."

I guess it's kind of obvious to everybody but me.


There's nobody else in the car. Just me and Bradley.

He goes, "I know you, right?"

"Yeah. Wayne."

Young Adult story

A Sensible Young Man

My high school doesn't let boys dance with other boys.

But that's who I want to dance with and the school has got nothing for me. I think they actually wrote it in to what they call their stupid bylaws: boys shall not dance with boys.

They make it sound so biblical, don't they?

I don't know what got into me but I didn't want to play by their rules.

Probably what really happened was that I saw an opportunity. You see, some girls in my 9th-grade class got this idea. After I thought about it, it was a pretty cool idea.

They had seen some dumb movie or something from the olden days. People in the movie had dance cards. I mean, what? You arrived at the ball, then people wrote their name on other people's cards - next to a song.

The girls got the activities coordinator to approve their version of a dance card dance. That's the name they gave it. Dance Card Dance.

Well, I got myself on the student coordinating committee of the Dance Card Dance. Pretty cool, right? I mean you know what I was gonna do.

There's this boy named Lindy.

New Adult story PUBLISHED OCTOBER 2023

Salt Lake City Again

I would like to tell you this is my story with a happy ending.

Only it isn't.

So I don't want to set you up for some really nice ending and then it doesn't come off that way.

It's better, then, to put the ending right up front. We can get it out of the way. It won't cause as much trouble when it comes around again at the end of events.

We said goodbye, me and Virgil.

The End.

What should have happened between us never did. And after we said goodbye, that was it. We never talked again or saw one another, or wrote or anything.

I have no idea where he ended up.

We should not have said goodbye like that. One of us should have said something like, "Hey, wait a minute."